
Ola de novo, hoxe propóñovos que completedes a canción que cantamos polo Día da Paz e da Non Violencia e, deste xeito, nos sintamos un pouco máis cerca uns dos outros. Deixo o enlace do vídeo para que a escoitedes, pero antes copiádea nun caderno para poder completala. Mañá colgarei a corrección.

See you soon!

Fill in the blanks with the following words:
look, world (x3), lies, doubts, dancing, brother, hearts, arms.

"Everyday Life"

What in the ______ are we going to do?
______ at what everybody's going through
What kind of _______ do you want it to be?
Am I the future or the history?

'Cause everyone hurts, everyone cries
Everyone tells each other all kinds of _____
Everyone falls, everybody dreams and _________
Got to keep _________ when the lights go out

How in the ________ am I going to see
You as my ________, not my enemy?

'Cause everyone hurts, everyone cries
Everyone sees the colour in each other's eyes
Everyone loves, everybody gets their _______ ripped out
Got to keep dancing when the lights go out
Gonna keep dancing when the lights go out
Hold tight for everyday life
Hold tight for everyday life

At first light, throw my _______ out, open wide
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

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